Why Vintage?

Vintage Church is a church plant in Horn Lake, Mississippi. Why the name “Vintage?” Our culture is consumed with all things vintage, from cars to clothing to home decor. In an age where culture shifts happen more frequently, there is a hunger for authenticity and originality and thus...all things vintage! Is this just a pop phenomenon, or does it point to something deeper within our souls? Does it reveal something missing that is vital to our existence and yet fundamentally lost?  

The grand story of the Bible answers this question with a resounding YES. The desire for all things vintage is rooted in a deep spiritual need for humanity to reconnect with God, and he has provided a means of reconnection through his son, Jesus Christ.  The Gospel isn’t religion or self help, but rather the good news that broken people can find grace and hope in Jesus and can be restored to relationship with God...the very relationship they were created for.