
Vintage Church consists of broken people from all walks of life who have found hope and restoration in Christ. We are being transformed by the Gospel, and we desire to serve others and humbly point them to Christ.  

The mission of Vintage Church is to cultivate authentic, reproducing disciples of Jesus Christ locally and globally. 

An authentic disciple of Jesus Christ is someone who:

  • Worships Passionately
  • Thinks Biblically
  • Lives Missionally
  • Flourishes Relationally

Worships Passionately
Worship is an everyday lifestyle of believing and obeying the Gospel that manifests itself in several ways: we worship together each Sunday morning and during the week in Missional Communities.  As a church, however, we understand that our worship is not limited to weekly gatherings or events, so we worship God through evangelism, discipleship, community, and city renewal.

Thinks Biblically
It is imperative for the church to be Gospel-centered and Biblically grounded. At Vintage Church, we understand that the Gospel changes lives (Colossians 1:5-6) and that the Word of God is the living and active breath of God (2 Timothy 3:16-17).  With that in mind, our mission is not only a pursuit of knowledge, but a mindset that is consumed and transformed by the Gospel; this mindset subsequently affects everything we do and say as believers.

Lives Missionally
At Vintage we practice missional living, which entails taking individual responsibility for sharing the Gospel with family, friends, and others in our spheres of influence, while seeking to continually broaden influence in the community. This plays out naturally and practically as we become friends to our neighbors, the cashier at the grocery store, or the barista at the local coffee shop. 

Flourishes Relationally
A significant aspect of missional living is building relationships amongst our people and within our community.  As a church we meet together in worship, fellowship, discipleship, and evangelism to create an atmosphere of believers growing alongside other believers, which spills over into our community. We anticipate that as we live the gospel in everyday life we will be faced with rejection, so we are committed to living our lives in a way that the world will not reject us because of ungodly attitude or behavior. 


In addition, Vintage Church affirms the teachings of the Baptist Faith and Message 2000