Light in the Darkness | False Teachers Among You (2 Peter 2:1-3)

In this sermon, Pastor Brice warns of the dangers of false teachers as explained in 2 Peter 2:1-3.

Light in the Darkness
False Teachers Among You
2 Peter 2:1-3

I. An Introduction to False Teachers
A. They master in deception
B. They deny the truth of Christ
C. They seek to fulfill their lust for sensuality
D. They seek to fulfill their lust for money
E. Their destruction is sure

Light in the Darkness | The True Word of God - Part 2 (2 Peter 1:19-21)

In this sermon, Pastor Brice discusses how the objective truth of God’s word is a “lamp shining in a dark place.”

Light in the Darkness
The True Word of God - Part 2
2 Peter 1:19-21

I. The first and second coming of Jesus gives meaning to the words of prophecy
II. The words of the Prophets were confirmed by God
A. Not someone's own interpretation
B. Not someone's own motivation
C. The prophets were men carried along by God

1. They lead us well
2. They are a lamp
3. They will see us through until the day of Christ

Light in the Darkness | The Daily Work of Remembering (2 Peter 1:12-15)

In this sermon, Tony Mason discusses why we frequently need to be reminded of what Christ has done and of his ongoing work within us.

Light in the Darkness
The Daily Work of Remembering
2 Peter 1:12-15

I. Remembering what Christ has done
II. Reminding believers of Christ’s work
III. Recalling the qualities of faithfulness

Light in the Darkness | The Pursuit of Christian Character - Part 2 (2 Peter 1:8-11)

In this sermon, Pastor Brice explains how Christian character produces a fruitful life, while forsaking it produces spiritual blindness.

Light in the Darkness
The Pursuit of Christian Character - Part 2
2 Peter 1:8-11

I. A new virtuous nature produces a fruitful life
II. The abandonment of that virtuous nature produces spiritual blindness
III. A new virtuous nature is how our calling and election are confirmed

Light in the Darkness | A Precious Salvation - Part 2 (2 Peter 1:3-4)

In this sermon, Pastor Brice discusses how those who are in Christ become “partakers of the divine nature” through the sanctifying work of the Holy Spirit.

Light in the Darkness
A Precious Salvation - Part 2
2 Peter 1:3-4

III. The Gifts of Christ
A. The gift of righteousness
B. The gift of Grace
C. The gift of Peace
D. The gift of Knowledge
1. His divine power
2. His life and godliness
3. His calling
4. His nature

Light in the Darkness | A Precious Salvation (2 Peter 1:1-2)

In the first sermon of our series in 2 Peter, Pastor Brice discusses how we have obtained our salvation through the righteousness of Christ.

Light in the Darkness
A Precious Salvation
2 Peter 1:1-2

I. The Supremacy of Christ
II. Our Position in Christ
A. We have obtained our faith
B. We have obtained a faith of equal standing
C. We have obtained our faith strictly through the righteousness of Jesus
III. The Gifts of Christ