A Journey of Deliverance: Honoring the Name of the Lord (Exodus 20:7)

The third commandment prohibits taking the Lord’s name in vain, but this is much more than simply using his name as a profanity. In this sermon, Pastor Brice teaches how obeying this command involves not just our lips, but our lives.

A Journey of Deliverance:
Honoring the Name of the Lord
Exodus 20:7

1. Taking the name of God is vain is simply using it as a curse word
2. Taking the name of God is vain is using it to proclaim a false gospel or false prophecies
3. Taking the name of God in vain is swearing by his name to add believability or breaking that covenant by which you have sworn
4. Taking the name of God in vain is found in weak worship
5. Taking the name of God in vain is found when we take up the name of Jesus in word and not deed

I. Be intentionally respectful with the treatment of God’s name
A. Focus on and ascribe to him the great and marvelous things we see from the Bible
B. Focus on and ascribe to him the great works he is presently doing
C. Focus on and ascribe to him the great works that are still to come
II. Do not use God’s name selfishly or coercively
III. Change your ways or change your name