Born Again to a Living Hope | The Christian Responsibility to Display Grace to Unjust Authority (1 Peter 2:18-20)

In this sermon, Pastor Brice discusses how submission to authority demonstrates grace, even to unjust leaders.

Born Again to a Living Hope
The Christian Responsibility to Display Grace to Unjust Authority
1 Peter 2:18-20

I. It is the Christian duty to be subject to worldly authority
A. Fear of the Lord will produce respect of authority
B. Fear of the Lord will return grace to ungracious authority

How does this text apply to modern times?
1. We honor God and display grace to unjust leaders by keeping jobs more than leaving them
2. We honor God and display grace to unjust leaders by working hard in spite of their rewards or behavior
3. We honor God and display grace to unjust leaders by being mindful of the will of the Lord in all circumstances